Every human being must face the harsh reality of aging, regardless of their desire. As we age, our bodies become less able to produce and use vital nutrients. This is a problem that affects both health and survival. The good news is that seniors can easily get the necessary nutrients they need by taking important supplements.

Major hormonal changes can increase your risk for many age-related health issues like osteoporosis and dementia. The human body’s ability to absorb nutrients is very high in the youth and adolescent years. This ability to absorb nutrients begins to decrease drastically after 40 years. By the time a person reaches their 50s, almost all of the aging-related problems that they experience are caused by a lack of nutrients.
The best sources of vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals,
and fiber are fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as unprocessed whole food. These ideal nutrient sources no longer work as well as they did in the youth stage. This is where dietary supplements come in. They can provide all the essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, enzymes, and fiber. These supplements can be found in capsules, pills, powders, liquids, gel tabs, and even liquids. These dietary supplements can be purchased in most drug stores without the need for a prescription.
A health professional can help you determine which nutrient is missing and how to improve your health. Your body needs the following nutrients to maintain and enhance your organ health and function:
People need vitamins and minerals in their 50s more than they did when they were younger. These essential nutrients can either be met by dietary changes or supplements.
Calcium- As you age into your 50s, your bone strength and bone density decreases rapidly. This can lead to fragile bones or even bone loss. This is a risk factor for men and women, but postmenopausal women are more likely to suffer from bone loss or fractures due to the decrease in estrogen hormone.
Calcium is essential for bone density improvement. It can be found in milk (fat-free, low fat or both), yogurt, dark green leafy veggies, figs and fortified breakfast cereals.
Vitamin D- The sun is the best source of Vitamin D for maintaining bone density and mass. This vitamin can be produced easily in young age if the body is exposed to the sun for at least 15-30 minutes.
This vitamin is not available to older people, such as those in their 50s. Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Vitamin D can be obtained from food sources like vitamin D-fortified milk, cheeses, egg yolks and beef liver. Vitamin D-fortified cereals are also available.
Vitamin B6- As we age, our red blood cell count may decrease. This can lead to many health problems in our 50s. Vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 helps to form red blood cells and maintains the balance of red cells. Vitamin B6 is found in chicken breasts and potatoes. Supplements can also be taken after a consultation with a doctor.
Vitamin B12- Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining healthy red blood cells. Even though older adults still need this vitamin, many people have difficulty absorbing it from their food sources due to the age effect.
You may have difficulty absorbing Vitamin B12 from natural foods sources, especially in your 50s. You can talk to your doctor if you have any questions. They can recommend Vitamin B12 supplements for you and suggest foods like fortified cereals for you to get this essential vitamin for stable health.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Omega-3 is an essential nutrient your body can’t produce. Consuming omega-3 rich foods and supplements in your 50s can help prevent many age-related health problems such as irregular heartbeats, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood sugar levels, cancer, inflammation, plaque buildup, and other issues.